Dimond – thru the macro lens

A quick photo study
on my way to the bank
and the post office
and back…

I was inspired by Our Oakland’s photo journeys on color, though mine is on texture.

abstract photography, abstract linoleum patterns

Apartment Foyer

water meter, oakland steel, abstract photography

Oakland Iron & Steel

mirror mosaic, sequoia elementary art

Beginning of mosaic project at Sequoia Elementary

peeling paint, recycled wood fence


white textures, flaky bark, shades of gray, abstract photography, photos of white

Tree & Building

rusted sign

Sign at Sequoia Elementary

tiny teardrops


While shooting this one below, of washed out silt and sand in patterns in on the asphalt in front of a storm drain, a guy asked me “Whatchya doin’ there?”

I said, “I’m making art.”

He said, “It looks wierd!” (Me, taking a picture of the ground, that is.)  Thanks buddy.

washboard pattern, waves, beach in the street

From the rains

abstract photography


wood siding, concrete steps, abstract photography

Siding & Steps

macro photography, layers of paint

Painted Driveway

Bottlebrush petals on sidewalk


Phoenix Ironworks Oakland

PS – This is the first (of many more to come) assignments from my June blogging e-course… “Write a visual post. Use more images than words.

5 thoughts on “Dimond – thru the macro lens

  1. Gene

    Love it. A great variety of textures. I especially like the fence and the tree, but the aggregate of all the images is cooler still.

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