the wild wild west…

I’ve said it before… the thing I love about West Oakland is that you never know what you are going to find. On a recent sunny stretch down the Mandela Parkway, I came across this muraled building on an empty lot (determined to be an environmental clean up site upon closer inspection of the posted sign and related fine print), next to what appeared to be a small chicken farm… beautiful birds with their own fancy red house and a huge yard in which to strut their stuff.

west oakland, environmental clean up site, mandela parkway

For those too young to “get” the reference in the mural above… see the original photograph and a brief description in my post Diversity is the one thing we all have in common.

rooster in the hen house, red hen house, west oakland chicken farm

west oakland rooster, cockadoodle doo, west oakland chicken farm

west oakland art, mandela parkway mural,

west oakland mural, west oakland pink building with green robot, power salute

3 thoughts on “the wild wild west…

  1. Craig West

    I live in West Oakland and have driven by this a couple of times. I see the reference to the 1968 Black Power salute, but I am mystified by the statement “IT ONLY TAKES A PAIR OF GLOVES”.

    WHAT is that supposed to mean? It takes more than a pair of gloves to win an Olympic medal, or to overcome violence, or to lift your community out of poverty, or crime. What is the message here?

    It only takes a pair of gloves to make the Black Power salute, perhaps. But just making a salute doesn’t accomplish anything meaningful.

  2. Pingback: Evolution of a West Oakland Mural « Street Art Tour

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